Day 4 - March 14th 2024
Copying with Shahd
3/14/20241 min read
I woke up at 7:30 AM by my roommate’s alarm which is the most annoying and most hated sound I have ever heard.
At the beginning of the day I was very upset because I missed the first luas and had to wait 40 minutes for the second luas and it was raining so I was really nervous.
I went to work, and as usual, I greeted customers and asked them if they needed help. I had to calculate how many sheets of paper each customer printed.
I went to the store with my roommate to buy some snacks and after that we went home and when it was 18:30, I ate my dinner that the host family made us. If you are wondering why I ate late, it’s because I’m Muslim and I’m fasting for Ramadan.
But after that I didn't do much because I was a little tired and bored.