Day 6 - March 19th 2024
Selling like a boss
3/19/20241 min read
Hello there,
my day started like any other workday. I woke up ate around 7:30 am and ate some breakfast with Sem. After that I got ready to leave the house and took the dart. I arrived 30 minutes early as usual and then grabbed my daily coffee. Then the manager arrived, and we opened the store. I proceeded to set up the laptops, just like every day, so that every customer could have a good look at them.
After that, two new interns arrived, both French speakers. Then, my teacher came by and had a brief chat with my internship supervisor. My supervisor remarked that I was doing very well.
For lunch I met up with Menne like usual we went to de supermarket inside the shopping mall where we bought some chicken with a drink. We ate our chicken inside the parking lot because there you are able to sit down.
Throughout the day, I sold a few items as usual, such as charging cables and a phone tripod for the car. We also received a new shipment of phone cases, which I promptly restocked onto the displays. Additionally, a few other items were delivered, which I labeled with Gabriel and the two new interns set them up on the displays. Other than that, nothing particularly noteworthy happened.
After work I took the dart like usual. I left work at 4pm and was home around 5pm. After I got home I quickly wrote my internship report after that me Sander and Sem went to the nearby supermarket to buy some beer for Sanders dad.
For dinner we got pizza with some fries. It was really good.
That was my day.